Page 31 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: Full page splash. Denver and Daniel are standing, facing each other. The narration starts, "...if I could have said yes to life a little more..." Denver smiles, his hands in his jeans pockets. He says, "Looks like your number’s still the same, too. Now you have mine again. Call me any time, okay?" Daniel stands there in surprised silence. The narration finishes, "... how different would my life would have been?"

Page 31

This is the second page of today's two page update, so be sure to go back to page 30 if you missed it!


...And that's a wrap for Chapter 1! Thank you so much for sticking with me for this journey. We'll be taking a short break to get ahead on pages, but we'll be back with the start of Chapter 2 on July 16th! Chapter 2 is where things really pick up; you'll get to meet the rest of the band (who I arguably love more than the main boys... don't tell Denver and Daniel), and we'll get even more glimpses into how Denver and Daniel wound up here.

I also want to say a quick "I'm so sorry" and "thank you" to the folks who reached out to me about a bug my site was having with the age verification pop-up not going away! (It should be fixed now. I hope! Fingers extremely crossed!)

Thank you again for reading. Working on this comic has been my absolute dream, and I'm so grateful to all the folks who support me while I'm doing it, whether that's on Patreon with money to help pay for art programs, or just chatting with me about it and boosting my Keeping Time posts on social media so new readers can find us. I appreciate you all so much!

See you in July!

(P.S. if you need something to read while we're away, can I remind you again about Into the Smoke? You can find more info on it and other webcomics I adore on the Links page!!)