Panel 1: The Leary family's kitchen. Deirdre, the oldest Leary sister, sits at the dining table, her infant son Austin sleeping in her arms, an empty plate and a full wine glass in front of her. Next to her, the youngest sister, Rorie, holds a wine glass in her hand. Across of them, the middle sister, Teagan, sits with her hands in her lap. Behind the dining table, at the sink, their mother, Niamh is washing dishes. Niamh frowns and calls, "Denver, honey? Is that you?"

Panel 2: Denver smiles brightly as he walks into the kitchen, shrugging off his jacket. In the room behind him, a Christmas tree is just barely visible. On the wall next to him are various colorful lines the kids have written over the years measuring their height growth. Denver says, "Hey! Did I miss dinner?"

Panel 3: Deirdre raises an eyebrow, saying, "Yep. Nice of you to finally show up, though." Rorie smirks as she adds, "I’m surprised he made it here before the New Year!"

Panel 4: Teagan looks over her shoulder to remark, "I heard you hurt your arm. Looks fine to me." Behind her, Denver is tying his jacket around his waist. Without missing a beat, he answers, "Yeah, funny how healing works. Thought you were going to college to learn that sort of thing, Teegs. Teagan replies, "Ha, ha, fuck off."

Panel 5: Niamh, the matriarch, is wearing yellow kitchen gloves as she washes a bowl. Frowning, she says, "If you’re going to be late, at least call! You had us worried sick."

Panel 6: Denver kisses Niamh on the cheek with a 'mwah' as he reaches to take the bowl she's holding from her. He says, "Sorry, ma. I texted Rorie that practice was running late, but I’ll call the landline next time. Here, let me."

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