Page 76 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: Daniel hesitates at the top of a stairwell. The narration reads, "As long as I didn't stray from that notation..."

Panel 2: Emi begins to take a step outside, into the sunlight, her back towards Daniel. The narration continues, " long as I didn't miss any notes..."

Panel 3: A close-up of Emi's figure, facing forever away. "...I could earn my place in that spotlight on recital day."

Panel 4: "That used to be enough for me."

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Page 76

Thank you for hanging in there as Daniel deals with his mother; he definitely needs the moral support anytime he has to interact with her. From next week, we go flying back into the Now with some of my favorite pages ever, and a fan favorite character makes her return...!

A panel featuring Elena putting on a winter puffer.

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