Panel 1: Tomás begins to answer, "Oh, we don't talk about it because it was brutal. See, his sister--"

Panel 2: Denver's dialogue physically covers Tomás's as Denver cuts him off. All we see is Denver's glaring eye looking in Tomás's direction. "Daniel moved away right after he graduated. So we haven’t seen him since."

Panel 3: Denver and Tomás exchange a look, neither saying anything aloud. Denver's expression is a stern warning that Tomás receives placidly.

Panel 4: Their silent conversation now concluded, Denver takes a drink of his beer, his expression now back to neutral. He says, "He sounds even better now than he did back then."

Tomás scratches his neck as he looks up into space. Tomás agrees, "...He did always had a great voice."

Panel 5: Stef is thoroughly unamused by what just happened, and scowls at both of them through closed lips. Three ellipses floating next to him.

Panel 6: The camera reverses, so now we see the boys in their booth from the opposite direction. We catch a glimpse of the tables and chair of the bar beyond. Denver and Tomás both sit silently as they listen to Stef ask, "Well. You think you can get him to agree to join the band again?"

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I unintentionally made Tomás's outfit Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles colored, but I think maybe it was less an accident and more my brain subconsciously making correct decisions for me